Human Health Care
Development of herbal formulation is a specified field which need in depth knowledge of herbal raw material, its dosage, their chemical composition, possible interaction between chemical from other herbs, compatibility of excipients, packing material and final application of the product. We undertake to develop the herbal drugs formulation on scientific basis taking into consideration the various aspects associates with it.


D.Cough Syrup
    Soothes Cough, ensures smooth breathing.

  • Helps reduce irritation & inflammation of Respiratory Tract.
  • Reduced throat irritation & provides soothing effect.
  • Useful in throat inflammation, throat pain and hoarseness of voice.
  • Improves Blood circulation, regulate Blood pressure & sugar.
  • Indicate in smokes cough and cough due to pollution.

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml
Livnorm Syrup
     Keep your Liver Healthy

  • Improve Metabolism rate & appetite.
  • Promotes growth in children.
  • Helpful in Alcoholic liver damage & general liver dysfunctions.
  • Normalizes liver activity & corrects chronic hepatic disorders.

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml
Gynorm Syrup
     Highly effective in all gynecological disorders.

  • Relieves uterine cramps and low back pain
  • Enhances & regularizes menstrual flow
  • Provides hormonal balance & control excessive bleeding
  • Helps in timely Ovulation & Conception.

Pack size: 200ml & 400ml
Fever Care Syrup
     The Personal Bodyguard for extra Immunity.

  • It does improve body resistance against infection.
  • Antibacterial & Anti -inflammatory, Antipyretic and antispasmodic, Antiseptic.
  • Facilitates immune system function
  • Wound healing after major surgery, burns etc.
  • Provides support during cold season

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml
Blood Cure Syrup
     Purifies Blood, keeps your skin healthy.

  • Helps in elimination of Blood impurities.
  • Microvascular toner-Enhances blood circulation.
  • Retards skin aging & improves skin complexion
  • An antibacterial & antisepatic in all types of skin infections

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml
Gasonorm Syrup
     Natural care for Gastric disorder

  • Powerful anti-ulcerent effect
  • Helps to relive heartburn following ingestion of alcohol
  • Tones up digestion & improves appetite
  • Relieves gaseous distension & trapped gas
  • Stimulates the secretion of gastric juice & helps indigestion.

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml
Rhuma Cure Syrup

  • Quick relief from Morning stiffness, Backache & Frozen Shoulder.
  • It useful for Osteo-arthritis & Rhumatic-arthritis
  • Useful for Chronic- Arthritic Problem
  • Useful as strong antispasmodic & anti inflammatory.

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml
Stone Free Syrup
    Unique formulation to treat urinary infection & prevent stone formulation.

  • Urinary Tract infections.
  • It useful in crystalloid-colloid Imbalance.
  • Reduces the concentration of stone forming substances.
  • Increase Urine output, useful in bladder irrigative & retention of urine.

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml
Memo add Capsule
     Memory Boosters

  • Controls & Focus the Wandering mind
  • Improves communications skills.
  • Improves Learning ability
  • A promising drug in impaired mental function, loss of memory & epileptic.
  • Reduces aggressiveness, restlessness & insomnia in hyperkinetic children.

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml / Strip.
Iron Plus Syrup
     A Natural Iron Supports.

  • It is useful for improving hemoglobin level.
  • It is useful in all l types of anaemia.
  • It’s provides Iran, calcium and many other trace elements to boost cellular metabolism.
  • Ensure speedy recovery during convalescence (illness).
  • Facilitates immune system function

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml
Enzytone Syrup
    A Natural Nutritional supports.

  • It is useful as a Digestant.
  • It is useful in Gripes & colics.
  • It’s reduces appetite.
  • Effective in Dyspepsia, Vomiting & Distaste.

Pack size: 100ml & 200ml

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