Human Health Care
Development of herbal formulation is a specified field which need in depth knowledge of herbal raw material, its dosage, their chemical composition, possible interaction between chemical from other herbs, compatibility of excipients, packing material and final application of the product. We undertake to develop the herbal drugs formulation on scientific basis taking into consideration the various aspects associates with it.


Rhuma Cure Tablets

  • Quick relief from Morning stiffness, Backache & Frozen Shoulder.
  • It useful for Osteo-arthritis & Rheumatic-arthritis.
  • Useful for Chronic- Arthritic Problem.
  • Useful as strong antispasmodic & anti inflammatory.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Stone Free Tablet
    Unique formulation to treat urinary infection & prevent stone formulation.

  • Urinary Tract infections.
  • It useful in crystalloid-colloid Imbalance.
  • Reduces the concentration of stone forming substances.
  • Increase Urine output, useful in bladder irrigative & retention of urine.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Gynorm Tablets
     Highly effective in all gynecological disorders.

  • Relieves uterine cramps and low back pain.
  • Enhances & regularizes menstrual flow.
  • Provides hormonal balance & control excessive bleeding.
  • Helps in timely Ovulation & Conception.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Peak-X Tablet
    A daily health supplement.

  • Improve both physical & mental performance.
  • Relieves day- to-day stress & Improves sexual performance.
  • Ensure speedy recovery during convalescence (illness).
  • Boosts stamina, Vigor & vitality required.
  • Increases Sperm count & Quality and also helps increase their motility.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Memo Add Tablet
     Memory Boosters.

  • Controls & Focus the Wandering mind.
  • Improves communications skills.
  • Improves Learning ability.
  • A promising drug in impaired mental function, loss of memory & epileptic.
  • Reduces aggressiveness, restlessness & insomnia in hyperkinetic children.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Triphala Tablet
     Normalizes Gastric & Intestinal Secretions.

  • Normalizes gastric problem & intestinal secretions.
  • Cures constipation and hyperacidity.
  • Helps to complete assimilation of food & It’s regulates fat metabolism.
  • It throws excess body fluids and relieves the tissues of inflammation.
  • Enhances neutralization of Gastric acid.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Arjun Tablets
    A multi-functional Heart Tonic.

  • As an adjuvant in ischemic heart disease.
  • Mild to moderate hypertension.
  • As a preventive medicine in individuals susceptible for Ischemic Heart Disease.
  • Reduces blood viscosity by lowering platelet aggregation.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Karela Tablets
    A natural Anti Diabetic Tonic.

  • It is used as an adjuvant in Diabetes Mellitus.
  • It’s helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  • It controls menstrual disorder.
  • It helps to reduces Liver disorders.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Brahmi Tablets

  • Memory disturbances.
  • Neurological disorders .
  • Brahmi is a nervine tonic that enhances learning, academic performance and improves mental ability.
  • It acts as an anti-anxiety agent and is used in several mental disorders. It also calms restlessness in children.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip. / Strip.
Lasuna Tablets

  • Susceptibility for increased levels of cholesterol in blood.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • Improves Learning ability.
  • Effective remedy for relieving abdominal distension by relieving Flatulence.

PPack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Guduchi Tablets
    A powerful Anti-Oxidant & Natural immune Booster.

  • Antibacterial & Anti -inflammatory, Antipyretic and antispasmodic, Antiseptic.
  • Recurrent infections, as an immunomodulator.
  • Hepatitis, as a hepato-protective.
  • Act as anti-arthritis & anti-diabetic.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Haridra Tablet

  • It useful in Allergic skin disorders.
  • It useful in Allergic respiratory disorders.
  • The anti-bacterial, anti-fungal.
  • It helps in blood purifying.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Sunti Tablet
  • It acts as a good appetizer by improving the digestion & absorption of food.
  • Nausea and motion sickness.
  • Act ac Anti-Arthritis.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Tulsi Tablet

  • Useful in dry / productive cough, cold and sore throat.
  • Mild to moderate respiratory infections.
  • Indicate in smokes cough and cough due to pollution.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Trikatu Tablet

  • Burns excess fat.
  • Effective remedy for relieving abdominal distension by relieving Flatulence.
  • It acts as a good appetizer by improving the digestion & absorption of food.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Shilajeet Tablet
    A Powerful Anti Oxidant.

  • It acts as a restorative tonic.
  • It helps to slowing down wear and tear of body tissues, which in turn delays ageing.
  • Shilajit increases the vigour & vitality.
  • Improve both physical & mental performance.
  • Improve ejaculatory latency.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Kalmegh Tablet

  • Improve Metabolism rate & appetite.
  • Promotes growth in children.
  • Helpful in Alcoholic liver damage & general liver dysfunctions.
  • Normalizes liver activity & corrects chronic hepatic disorders.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.
Jamun Tablet

  • Is a unique combination for reducing Blood sugar levels.
  • It helps to build up stamina by increasing metabolism.
  • It useful for Osteo-arthritis & Rheumatic-arthritis.
  • Helpful in all type of diseases generated due to Diabetes.
  • Helps in regeneration of beta cells & Decrease absorption of Glucose.

Pack Size: 30 / 60 Tablets in Bottle / Strip.

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