Human Health Care
Development of herbal formulation is a specified field which need in depth knowledge of herbal raw material, its dosage, their chemical composition, possible interaction between chemical from other herbs, compatibility of excipients, packing material and final application of the product. We undertake to develop the herbal drugs formulation on scientific basis taking into consideration the various aspects associates with it.


Aloe Fibre Plus Juice
    Enriched With Essential Nutrients.

  • It contains Enzymes, Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acid and Fibers.
  • Improve digestion & thus detoxifies the body.
  • Promotes healing of bone and joints, internal tissue damages.
  • Improves Blood circulation, regulate Blood pressure & sugar.
  • Provides an immediately sources of energy & reduced extra fait from body.

Pack size: 500ml & 1000ml.
Slimmax Liquid
     Healthy Weight Management.

  • For weight reduction & keep the shape of the body.
  • Reduced the conversion of glucose in to fat.
  • It’s regulate Digestive Tract & detoxify internal system.
  • Helps to complete assimilation of food.
  • Helps to avoid hypertension, diabetes and heart dieses.

Pack size: 500ml.
Triphala Ras
     Normalizes Gastric & Intestinal Secretions.

  • Normalizes gastric problem & intestinal secretions.
  • Cures constipation and hyperacidity.
  • Helps to complete assimilation of food & It’s regulates fat metabolism.
  • It throws excess body fluids and relieves the tissues of inflammation.
  • Enhances neutralization of Gastric acid.

Pack size: 500ml & 1000ml.
Amla Ras
     Purifies Blood & Improves Metabolism.

  • Natural source of Vitamin C.
  • Improve digestion & liver function.
  • Purifies Blood & improve Metabolism.
  • Reduced Serum cholesterol & lipid levels.
  • It is most useful in ulcer & hyper acidity.

Pack size: 500ml & 1000ml.
Wheat Grass Ras
     Body’s Natural Immune System.

  • Helps improve natural immune system.
  • Helps in Blood Purification & balance hemoglobin count.
  • Helps in digestive problem & also useful in diabetes.
  • Supports cardiovascular, reproductive & immune system.
  • Restore skin health & helps in wound healing.

Pack size: 500ml & 1000ml.
Diabeat Liquid
     Natural Anti Diabetic Tonic.

  • Is a unique combination for reducing Blood sugar levels.
  • It helps to build up stamina by increasing metabolism.
  • Helpful in all type of diseases generated due to Diabetes.
  • Helps in regeneration of beta cells & Decrease absorption of Glucose.

Pack size: 500ml.
Arjun Ras
    A multi-functional Cardiac Tonic.

  • As an adjuvant in ischemic heart disease.
  • Mild to moderate hypertension.
  • As a preventive medicine in individuals susceptible for Ischemic Heart Disease.
  • Reduces blood viscosity by lowering platelet aggregation.

Pack size: 500ml & 1000ml.
Karela Ras
    A natural Anti Diabetic Tonic.

  • It is used as an adjuvant in Diabetes Mellitus.
  • It’s helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  • It controls menstrual disorder.
  • It helps to reduces Liver disorders.

Pack size: 500ml & 1000ml.
Guduchi Ras
     A powerful Anti-Oxidant & Natural Immune Booster.

  • Antibacterial & Anti -inflammatory, Antipyretic and antispasmodic, Antiseptic.
  • Recurrent infections, as an immunomodulator.
  • Hepatitis, as a hepato-protective.
  • Act as anti-arthritis & anti-diabetic.

Pack size: 500ml & 1000ml. / Strip.
Neem Ras
     Blood Purifier.

  • The anti-bacterial, anti-fungal.
  • It helps in blood purifying.
  • It’s useful in skin disorders and keeps the skin healthy.

Pack size: 500ml & 1000ml.
Punarnava Ras
    Act as Diuretic.

  • It helps Urinary tract infections & improves immunity.
  • It’s helps to Edema (swelling).
  • It’s helps to maintain efficient kidney function, with its diuretic.
  • It has anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory action.
  • It’s help to reduces inflammation of liver & disorder of anaemia.

Pack size: 500ml & 1000ml.

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